
Addressing Common Concerns About Breast Implant Replacement

Many choose to undergo breast implant replacement for various personal and medical reasons. At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, we understand the significance of this decision and the myriad of concerns accompanying it. Are you contemplating the safety of the procedure, wondering about the recovery process, or perhaps you’re curious about the latest advancements in breast implant technologies? You’re not alone in these thoughts; we’re here to guide you through each step, ensuring a clear path forward.

What Is Breast Implant Replacement?

Breast implant replacement, also known as breast implant revision surgery, is a procedure performed to remove and/or replace silicone or saline implants from a previous breast augmentation surgery. During the procedure, old implants are carefully removed, and new ones are placed with precision and care.

What Are Some Reasons for Replacing Breast Implants?

Implant Complications

Complications such as rupture, leakage, or deflation (in the case of saline implants) can lead to the need for implant replacement. Silicone implants might also experience a “silent rupture,” where they break without obvious symptoms, requiring an MRI for detection.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is when the scar tissue around a breast implant tightens, leading to a breast that feels unnaturally firm and may cause discomfort or pain. This condition not only affects the aesthetic appearance of the breast but can also result in significant physical discomfort, necessitating medical intervention or implant replacement.

Cosmetic Concerns

Individuals may opt for implant replacement due to cosmetic concerns, aiming to alter their implants’ size, shape, or type for a more desired aesthetic outcome. This decision often stems from dissatisfaction with the results of a previous surgery or a change in personal aesthetic preferences, highlighting the importance of patient satisfaction in cosmetic procedures.

Implant Positioning Issues

Problems with implant positioning can lead to an unnatural appearance and discomfort, necessitating surgical correction. These issues can compromise the aesthetic goals of the initial surgery. They may affect the overall symmetry and look of the breasts, making correction procedures critical for achieving the desired outcome.

Change in Personal Preference or Lifestyle

Shifts in lifestyle, body weight, or personal preferences can prompt individuals to reconsider their breast implants, whether it’s for aesthetic, comfort, or health reasons. This adaptability is crucial for ensuring the implants align with the individual’s evolving body image and lifestyle choices.

Age of the Implants

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime, and surgeons often recommend replacement after a decade or more due to the potential for complications or changes in the implants’ condition. Regular assessments and timely replacements are essential to maintaining the health and appearance of the implants and safeguarding against possible future complications.

What Are Some Common Concerns About Breast Implant Replacement?


Modern breast implants are designed with safety in mind, and ongoing research continues to evaluate their long-term health effects. The FDA closely monitors the safety of all breast implants sold in the United States, ensuring they meet rigorous safety standards.

Lifespan of Implants

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. The average lifespan of an implant is around 10 to 15 years, although some may last longer. It’s essential to have regular check-ups to assess the condition of the implants.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, there are risks involved, including infection. With breast implants, changes in nipple or breast sensation and implant leakage or rupture are also possible. Discussing these potential risks with us is essential.

Breast Implant Illness (BII)

Some individuals report a variety of systemic symptoms that they attribute to their breast implants. While research into BII is ongoing, patients need to communicate any health changes to their doctor.

MRI Surveillance

The FDA recommends periodic MRI screenings for those with silicone gel-filled breast implants to detect silent ruptures. These screenings are typically suggested three years after implantation and every two years after that.

Cost and Insurance

The cost of breast implant replacement can vary widely. Many insurance companies consider breast augmentation a cosmetic procedure and may not cover the cost of replacement unless it’s medically necessary. It’s advised to check with your insurance provider for coverage details.

Choice of Surgeon

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast implant surgery is crucial. A skilled surgeon can minimize risks and improve outcomes.

Expectations and Results

It’s essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast implant replacement. Discussing your goals and concerns with your surgeon can help ensure you’re satisfied with the outcome.

Recovery Time

Recovery varies by individual but generally involves a few weeks of reduced activity to allow the body to heal. We will provide detailed post-operative care instructions.

How Can We Ease Your Concern for Breast Implant Replacement?

Here, we understand the complexities surrounding the decision for breast implant replacement. Our approach is to ease your concerns by providing a comprehensive consultation process. We address all your questions and tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your aesthetic goals and health requirements. We ensure expert care and detailed information and support each step of your journey.

Navigate Your Breast Implant Replacement Journey in San Antonio, TX

Breast implant replacement is a significant decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right information and support, you can navigate this journey. At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, we’re dedicated to addressing your concerns, offering solutions, and providing care that meets the highest standards of safety and excellence. If you’re considering breast implant replacement or have any questions, we invite you to reach out to us.

Contact us online or call (210) 750-6200 for a consultation. Together, we can achieve the desired results, preserving your health, satisfaction, and beauty for years.

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