Arm Lift Surgery in San Antonio

Considering arm lift surgery in San Antonio? Similar to how the effects of time and gravity affect the thighs, another area where these changes are especially apparent is the upper arm. Affecting both men and women, it is a source of great self-consciousness, especially since many of our Texas fashions expose the arms.

Some have developed upper arm flabbiness simply due to the loss of elasticity that accompanies aging and even chronic sun tanning. However, the majority of men and women who come to Dr. Young for Arm Lifts are those who have had massive weight loss. One of its after effects is sagging skin that hangs from the arms. Because the skin has lost its elasticity, no amount exercise can restore firmness and tone to the arms.

Arm lift, or Brachioplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove flabby and sagging skin folds of the upper arms. Hanging arm skin folds are not only unsightly, but also cause underarm skin rash and irritation. Arm Lifts can lift and tighten up loose skin in the upper arms, resulting in a firmer, more youthful contour.

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