Brazilian Butt Lift in San Antonio, TX

Some women (and men) are self-conscious about their small, flat, or unshapely buttocks. Others desire a BBL to attain a curvaceous backside made popular by celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé. The good news is that shapelier and sexier buttocks are possible with a Brazilian butt lift.

At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa, we specialize in enhancing your natural beauty and sculpting your ideal physique with the Brazilian butt lift. Led by the esteemed Dr. Robert N. Young, MD, FACS, we offer this transformative procedure to those seeking a more voluptuous and proportionate posterior. Dr. Young is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has become well-known for performing Brazilian butt lifts in San Antonio, TX. He has helped hundreds of men and women sculpt their buttocks and physique in a way that looks both aesthetically pleasing and natural. Here, we commit to the highest standards of care, ensuring each patient receives a personalized treatment plan designed to meet their specific desires and outcomes.

What’s a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a highly sought-after cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Actually not a “lift” at all, the Brazilian butt lift is a gluteal augmentation procedure that combines liposuction and fat transfer.<

Liposuction is done on donor areas with excess fat, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. We artistically sculpt the donor area while performing the liposuction so that there is an aesthetically pleasing shape overall. The fat is then purified and strategically placed (injected) into the buttocks to create the desired shape. Following a Brazilian butt lift, the buttocks will look firmer and rounder, while the donor area will look slimmer.

Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift

Natural-Looking Results

The BBL uses your fat to enhance the buttocks, ensuring the results blend seamlessly with your body’s natural contours. This approach guarantees that the augmented area feels and appears as though it has always been a part of your body, avoiding the artificial look that can come with implants.

Improved Body Proportion

By redistributing fat from other areas of the body to the buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift creates a more balanced and proportionate figure. This benefit is especially valuable for individuals looking to correct imbalances or enhance the overall harmony of their body’s shape.

Reduced Fat in Targeted Areas

Liposuction, part of the BBL process, removes excess fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs. This dual-action benefit not only augments the buttocks but also slims down areas where fat is unwanted, offering a comprehensive body contouring solution.

Minimized Scarring

Since the procedure involves tiny incisions for fat transfer, it results in minimal scarring compared to other surgical options. This aspect is crucial for patients concerned about visible signs of surgery, as it maintains the skin’s smooth appearance.

Lower Risk of Complications

Using one’s fat significantly reduces the risk of rejection and allergic reactions, making the Brazilian butt lift a safer option than procedures involving synthetic materials. The body is more likely to accept its biological material, leading to a smoother recovery process.

Enhanced Curves and Silhouette

The BBL expertly enhances the curves of your lower body, creating a more pronounced and voluptuous silhouette. This targeted enhancement accentuates the natural curvature of your body, providing a more aesthetically pleasing profile.

Long-Lasting Results

Once the transferred fat establishes a blood supply in its new location, the results of a Brazilian butt lift can last for years. The longevity of the outcome makes it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a permanent improvement in their body shape.

Quick Recovery Time

Compared to other surgical procedures, the BBL boasts a relatively quick recovery time. Patients can often resume daily activities within a week, with full recovery taking approximately a few weeks, allowing for a return to normal routines with little downtime.

Improved Clothing Fit

An enhanced buttock shape can dramatically change how clothes fit and look, allowing for a more flattering appearance in jeans, dresses, and skirts. This benefit is particularly appreciated by those who have struggled with finding clothing that accommodates a less voluminous rear.

Customizable Outcomes

The Brazilian butt lift is highly customizable, allowing patients and surgeons to work together to achieve desired aesthetics. Whether seeking a subtle enhancement or a dramatic transformation, the procedure can be tailored to meet individual goals and expectations.

Procedure Details for Brazilian Butt Lifts

Brazilian butt lift is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. To begin, Dr. Young will create small incisions in the donor area to remove the surplus fat. The fat will be purified and prepared for reinjection. Then, Dr. Young will inject the fat into the buttocks, focusing on the upper quadrant for a “lifted” effect. The surgeon is meticulous when injecting the fat to create smooth contours and optimal fullness. Once the procedure is complete, Dr. Young will place a surgical compression garment to help the tissues heal properly and quickly.

Recovering From Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Dr. Young will provide detailed instructions for you to follow during your recovery. Most patients need to take one to two weeks off from work and other normal activities and get as much bed rest as possible. Common side effects include soreness, bruising, and swelling, which should subside over time.

The results from Brazilian butt lift can be long-lasting, so long as you maintain a stable weight and follow a healthy lifestyle (i.e., eating healthily, exercising regularly). Dr. Young can provide you with more tips on how to maintain your results during your consultation.

Brazilian Butt Lifts Before and After

FAQs About Brazilian Butt Lifts

How Much Fat Is Needed for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The amount of fat required for a Brazilian butt lift depends on the desired increase in size and the patient’s body structure. Generally, a significant amount of fat is needed to ensure a noticeable enhancement, as not all transferred fat cells will survive the process. We will assess your body to determine if you have enough fat for the desired outcome.

Can a Brazilian Butt Lift Be Combined With Other Procedures?

A Brazilian butt lift can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as tummy tucks or breast augmentations, for a more comprehensive body transformation. Combining procedures can optimize recovery times and result in a more harmonious body contour. We will discuss the best approach based on your aesthetic goals and health status.

Are You a Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

You may be a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift if you:

  • Have small, deflated, or shapeless buttocks
  • Have surplus fat in another body area you wish to slim down (e.g., abdomen, thighs, hips)
  • Don’t smoke
  • Are in good overall health
  • Have realistic expectations about the results

We will meet with you to determine your candidacy. During your consultation, the surgeon will ask you to describe your aesthetic concerns and goals. He will also evaluate the body areas where surplus fat is located. If he determines that there is not enough fat to augment the buttocks, he may recommend other treatment options. If Dr. Young determines that you are a suitable candidate for butt lift, he will work with you to design a treatment plan that achieves the most desirable outcome.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

Without a consultation, it’s difficult to provide a firm estimate for BBL surgery. Many factors determine the final cost, including the number of liposuction sites involved. A recent survey showed that BBL surgery costs between $2,000 and $10,000. To get a customized quote for a BBL, please visit our office. 

Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lifts in San Antonio, TX

Are you ready to have the shapely buttocks you have always desired? Brazilian butt lifts have become a highly sought-after procedure and one we have achieved excellent results with. At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, we provide Brazilian butt lifts and have extensive experience performing them. We will work closely with you to understand your goals and develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your needs. To schedule a consultation with us, please contact us online or call (210) 750-2600 today.

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