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How Long Does a Lip Augmentation Last?

Enhancing the shape and volume of your lips can also enhance your appearance. Dermal fillers are common treatments that are used by both women and men to address concerns about lip fullness. But how long do lip augmentation results last? Before you schedule your first treatment, learn what you can expect from lip fillers at DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX.

How Long Does a Lip Augmentation Last?

The longevity of your lip augmentation treatment will depend on the specific lip filler product being used for your treatment. For example, while some lip fillers can produce results for six months, others can produce results for 18 months.

Most lip fillers will produce consistent, long-lasting results regardless of your age or the amount of filler used. However, the specific formula for your filler, where your filler is placed, and your lifestyle practices can all influence how long you will be able to enjoy the results before you need a touch-up treatment.

When Should You Have Touch-Ups?

Touch-ups are usually scheduled every six months to ensure your filler continues to produce your desired results. By having a touch-up appointment every six months, you will be able to enjoy fullness, symmetry, and a more youthful-looking appearance. Of course, you may be able to delay your touch-up appointment if your results continue to look fresh at the six-month mark.

How Do Lip Fillers Work?

Lip fillers work by infusing your lips with a synthetic material that immediately boosts your lip volume. Most fillers are formulated with hyaluronic acid, which works to draw water into your lips to create natural, soft-looking lips.

For your lip filler treatment, several small injections will be placed in various zones of your lips to achieve your desired goals. For example, some people only want to enhance the volume of the upper lip or desire more volume in the middle of the lips to create a specific aesthetic.

Why Is Hyaluronic Acid Most Common?

For all types of dermal fillers, hyaluronic acid-based fillers are usually the most common. Hyaluronic acid has several advantages as a dermal filler when it is used on the lips and other areas of the face. For example, because hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the skin, synthetic hyaluronic acid is usually considered hypoallergenic, so most people are not at risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Furthermore, hyaluronic acid works with your body to increase moisture retention within skin cells, which can naturally increase volume and produce natural-looking results. For the lips, it’s very important that the texture of lips be pliable, so hyaluronic acid fillers are an ideal formulation.

Does Hyaluronic Acid Produce Collagen?

Another benefit of using a hyaluronic acid filler is the ability to naturally produce collagen. Several studies have concluded that the presence of hyaluronic acid in the skin can stimulate the production of collagen because this special sugar molecule can act as fuel for collagen production. The ability to naturally produce collagen in the skin will also ensure your results are long-lasting.

What Can Lip Fillers Do?

Many people use lip fillers to reach various goals. Whether you are concerned with contouring your appearance or you want to reduce the visible signs of aging, lip fillers can accomplish many goals at one time. The main uses for a lip filler include:

Lip Enhancement

Lip enhancement or lip augmentation is one of the primary goals of using a lip filler. Enhancing the volume and shape of your lips can radically transform your appearance. For example, having fuller lips can balance other features in your face, make you appear more youthful, or enhance the way lip cosmetics look.

Lip Smoothing

As you age, you will notice that a lack of volume in the lips can create the appearance of lipstick lines, which are vertical lines on the lips that cause the lips to look wrinkled and thin. Using a dermal filler can smooth these lipstick lines away so that lipstick and other cosmetics sit more evenly on the lips.

Lip Anti-Aging

These treatments can also be used for anti-aging purposes. One of the hallmarks of aging is losing skin volume, particularly in the lips. However, when you can restore the volume of your lips, you can also reverse some of those signs of aging. Furthermore, lip fillers can also reduce fine lines around the mouth, including laugh lines, which can also make you appear younger.

How Should You Prepare for Treatment?

To prepare for lip filler treatment, you will need to stop using anti-inflammatory and blood thinning medications. By discontinuing these medications, you will minimize bruising and bleeding after your treatment, which will speed up your recovery time. Additionally, you should not exfoliate your lips for one to two days before your treatment.

What Is Your Recovery Like?

Usually, your recovery period will be the first 48 to 72 hours after your lip filler treatment. During this time, you will need to avoid stretching your mouth, massaging your mouth, eating spicy food, biting your lips, or exerting any other pressure on your mouth. It’s also important to avoid hot water on the lips while a filler is settling.

When Will You See Results?

Most people will see results from a dermal filler for the lips seven to 10 days after their treatment. During this time, the initial results will make your lips appear very full. However, as the hyaluronic acid formula draws more water to your lips, your results will continue to improve for several more days.

Can You Enhance Your Results?

There are many things you can do to enhance your results or help your results last longer. For example, keeping a regular touch-up appointment schedule ensures your results last as long as possible. Other things you can do to enhance the results of your lip filler include:

Reduce Stress

Believe it or not, stress can have a negative impact on the collagen formation in your skin. Because stress hormones can speed up the aging process and make collagen break down more quickly, it’s important to reduce stress as much as possible so your lip filler remains active. Stress can also refer to physical stress, such as from excessive exercising, which can also break down your lip filler more quickly.

Pamper Lips

It’s also a good idea to pamper your lips so that your lips will remain smooth and supple. While some people reach for sugar scrubs as soon as they feel dry skin on their lips, these manual exfoliation techniques can actually do more harm than good. Because the skin on your lips is very thin and sensitive, it’s best to focus on intense hydration when you notice your lips are feeling dry.


Additionally, it’s a good idea to use SPF on any area of your face where you have had dermal filler treatment. This is because UV rays can cause the dermal filler formula to break down more quickly. You can use lip products that contain SPF, such as chapstick, to protect your lips from sun damage and to protect the longevity of your results.

Is There a Best Age for This Treatment?

Lip fillers are approved for use in people who are at least  21 years old, so most adults are good candidates for lip augmentation treatment. That said, many people don’t think about using lip fillers until the visible signs of aging begin to affect the volume of their lips. For this reason, you may not need to use this treatment until you’re in your 30s or 40s.

Is There a Best Time for This Treatment?

Because it will take several days for the lip filler to settle into your skin and produce optimal results, it’s usually a good idea to have this treatment at least two to four weeks before any important life event.

Are You a Good Candidate?

You will need to attend a consultation to verify that you are a good candidate for a lip filler. Along with your goals and medical history, if you are a first-time user of dermal fillers, your dermatologist may recommend an allergy test to verify that you are not allergic to the ingredients in the filler.

Use Lip Augmentation to Refresh Your Lips

Full lips are usually an indication of youthful beauty, so if you want to enhance your lip volume for anti-aging purposes, lip augmentation treatments can be a good option for you. Contact DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX to schedule your initial treatment today.

Andrea Algar

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