
How Long Does CoolSculpting Take?

You exercise regularly and feel like you’ve been operating at a caloric deficit forever. However, you still have pockets of fat you can’t get rid of, and you’re not convinced an invasive procedure is right for you. In the 1970s, there were only two choices: resign yourself to living with your existing contours forever or get liposuction. At DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX, Dr. Robert N. Young, MD, FACS is proud to offer CoolSculpting.

Also known as cryolipolysis, this non-invasive fat removal method can help you sculpt your desired contours during your lunch break. While this may sound too good to be true, it’s not. Cryolipolysis is FDA-approved for the removal of excess fat. Over 4,000,000 people have opted for this fat removal method and have been incredibly satisfied with the results. Today, we’re looking at how long a session takes, how many sessions are required for desirable results, and much more.

How Long Does CoolSculpting Take?


Preparation for cryolipolysis only takes a few minutes to complete. Before your body contouring session begins, we will apply a cool gel to the area targeted for treatment. Then, we will put the applicator in place and cool the targeted area. All you have to do during this time is wait patiently and comfortably.

The Treatment

The targeted area cools gradually, so you won’t be shocked by the cold. Again, this only takes a few minutes. By the time the device has cooled your fat cells to approximately 40 degrees, your skin will be numb, and you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

How long the applicator needs to stay in place to destroy a significant number of fat cells in the targeted area depends on numerous factors, such as the amount of excess fat you have in your targeted area and how close the fat cells are to the skin. The size of the treatment area also affects how long a session will take. A smaller area will only take 30 minutes to complete, and a larger area will take 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an innovative body contouring treatment that eliminates excess fat cells by freezing them. This non-invasive fat removal method is renowned for how natural the results look. However, you should understand this is a fat removal treatment.

It cannot replace weight loss procedures, and it is not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. This treatment is cosmetic in nature and usually used to target the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. However, it can remove fat from virtually anywhere, including the lower back, lower chin, and buttocks.

How Does This Treatment Work? 

Through puberty, your body produced fat cells. Some people have fat cells distributed evenly throughout the body, others have a disproportionately large number of fat cells in certain areas, such as the chest, upper arms, or thighs. The distribution of your fat cells is determined by genetics. Furthermore, genetics determines where you store fat when you operate at a caloric surplus. By the time puberty ends, the body can neither create nor eliminate fat cells.

Your contours change as your weight fluctuates because your fat cells are either expanding to accommodate extra energy storage or shrinking as you burn fat for fuel when in a caloric deficit. Cryolipolysis freezes fat cells without affecting your skin and muscle tissues because adipose cells freeze at approximately 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Water-based skin and muscle cells are not at risk of being damaged by cold temperatures until they drop to freezing.

Can I Treat Several Areas At Once?

Yes, you can absolutely target several areas in a single treatment session. However, if you are targeting a couple of large areas, like your abdomen and back, your session may take between 90 minutes and two hours. We can advise you on how long you should expect your treatment to take once we have evaluated your areas of concern during your initial consultation.

How Should I Prepare for My Session?

Since there is nothing invasive about this body contouring method, you don’t need to do too much to prepare for your treatment. You don’t have to drink a minimum amount of water, and you do not need to fast before your treatment.

We recommend bringing a book to your session or downloading a fun mobile game on your phone.  However, you don’t have to bring something to keep yourself entertained during your treatment. It is not uncommon for our clients to nap during their sessions.

How Long Will My Recovery Take?

Since cryolipolysis is a non-invasive fat removal method, there is no downtime required following the treatment session. You are free to return to work as soon as we have finished your treatment and reviewed your post-treatment care guidelines.

It will take a while for the treatment area to warm back up after your session. However, you don’t need to do anything to speed up the process. There is no need to apply a hot towel to the area or sit in a sauna for a while.

How Quickly Do the Results of Treatment Become Apparent?

Since CoolSculpting is non-invasive, the frozen fat cells are not suctioned out of your body. Instead, your lymphatic system sweeps up the destroyed fat cells, transports them to your gut, processes them, and eliminates them as waste. It may take between three and four weeks to start seeing the results of your treatment, although you may notice the treatment area feels slimmer as soon as your session is over. It can take anywhere from three to four months to see the final results of your treatment.

However, some people may not see their final results until six months have passed since their final treatment. The area targeted for treatment and the amount of excess fat in the area affect how quickly the final results of this treatment become apparent. Be patient if it has been a month since your final session and you’re not quite satisfied with the results. Your lymphatic system is working hard to eliminate all of the fat cells destroyed during the cryolipolysis session.

What Makes Someone a Good Candidate? 

If you are trying to lose weight to improve your health, cryolipolysis is not right for you. It is not a weight loss procedure, it is a fat removal treatment. However, if you are only concerned about your contours, this may be the treatment for you.

It is beloved because it improves self-confidence drastically by destroying excess subcutaneous fat, revealing the toned muscles beneath the layer of excess fat. You may be a good candidate for this treatment if the following statements relate to you:

You’re Tired of Excess Fat That Won’t Budge

It doesn’t matter how many crunches you do. It doesn’t matter how many kilometers you pull on the ergometer. It doesn’t matter how many desserts you refrain from indulging in. You have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge, and you’re tired of it. You may be a great candidate for this treatment if you are at your ideal weight, but you’re not satisfied with your contours.

This treatment will destroy a significant percentage of fat cells in a troubl region permanently. You should strongly consider this non-invasive treatment method if you exercise regularly and eat well most of the time but you still wish you could eliminate stubborn pockets of excess fat.

You’re at or Near Your Goal Weight

The average person loses approximately one-quarter of the fat cells in a large treatment area. This is enough to provide a significant improvement in the contours, but it isn’t an effective weight loss solution.

If you’re over 30 pounds from your goal weight, you should focus on weight loss until you get closer to your ideal weight. If you’re struggling to lose weight, consider consulting with a registered dietician and personal trainer to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Once you’re close to your ideal weight, you may qualify for this treatment.

You’re Fairly Healthy

Even though cryolipolysis is non-invasive, it is still important to be fairly healthy when you receive this treatment. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your health history and current health to ensure you qualify for this treatment.

There Is Enough Fat to Treat

Although you should be at or near your desired weight to qualify for this treatment, it is also important to have enough fat in your trouble region for treatment. Typically, we look for people with at least an inch of pinchable fat in an area of concern. However, in smaller areas, it is possible to receive significant benefits from this treatment if there isn’t at least an inch of pinchable fat.

You Don’t Want Liposuction

You may be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you do not want to undergo liposuction. Although liposuction was the only fat removal option for decades, invasive procedures are not right for everyone. Some people can’t afford to take off from work to recover. Others can’t afford to undergo liposuction.

Some individuals don’t qualify for this treatment due to health reasons. The bottom line is you may be an ideal candidate for this treatment if you are not interested in liposuction but you are interested in eliminating stubborn pockets of fat permanently.

You’re Not Pregnant or Trying to Become Pregnant

No research has been conducted regarding the effect body contouring treatments have on pregnancy. Therefore, cryolipolysis is not FDA-approved for women who are pregnant. Additionally, this treatment is not approved for women who are breastfeeding due to a lack of research.  

What is known is that pregnancy usually results in fat gain. If you receive CoolSculpting, become pregnant, and gain excess fat that you can’t lose, a maintenance session will be necessary. For results that last a lifetime, you should consider holding off on this treatment until you are done adding to your family.

You Think You Can Maintain Your Weight

To be considered a good candidate for this treatment, you should be confident that you can maintain your weight. This treatment does not destroy all of the fat cells in the targeted area, so fat can be stored in the area after treatment if weight gain occurs.

The Bottom Line

Although CoolSculpting may sound too good to be true, it’s not. It is FDA-approved for safety and efficacy and a session can be completed during a lunch break. If you are in the Shavano Park area, please reach out to us today at DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Young and find out if this treatment is right for you. 


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