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How Often Can You Get Dysport Treatments?

The thing about aging is that it never stops. Time continues to move forward and your skin continues to reflect that. There are countless anti-aging treatments that seek to halt time in its tracks, one of the most effective being neurotoxin injectable treatments. Neurotoxin treatments use purified ingredients that block the reception of nerves associated with muscle movements in the face to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles. At DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX, our expert staff knows one of the best neurotoxins is Dysport treatment.

How Often Can You Get Dysport Treatments?

Generally speaking, most people get Dysport treatments once every 90 to 120 days, or once every 3 or 4 months. It’s encouraged by experts to wait at least 90 days between treatments in order for the neurotoxin to completely work its way out of your body before reintroducing the treatment.

This is both because we do not want you to build a tolerance to the treatment and we also want to ensure that each treatment is as safe and effective as the last. For this reason, the majority of patients have regularly scheduled appointments 3 or 4 times a year.

How Many Treatments Do You Need for Optimal Results?

Most patients only require one treatment appointment to achieve optimal results. Your treatment appointments will include several units of this treatment injected into the skin surface at targeted areas of treatment, predominately the area between the eyebrows and wrinkles on the mid-face, such as those around the eyes, the nose, and the mouth.

However, depending on how well your body responds to treatment, you may require a touch-up appointment about 2 weeks after your first appointment. The touch-up appointment will involve additional units injected into areas that require more attention, or additional areas of the face if you are not satisfied with initial results.

When Do Results Show Up?

For the vast majority of patients, it takes about 2 weeks for the results of this treatment to appear. The results will appear gradually, with the initial results usually being a softening of fine lines, which respond more quickly than dynamic wrinkles. Initial results will also include a natural-looking lift or tightening of the skin surface.

The final results of this treatment typically appear about 3 to 4 weeks after your appointment. Your final results will including diminishing fine lines, smoothing wrinkles, and lifting the skin for an overall more youthful appearance.

How Long Do Results Last?

The results of this treatment last for about 3 to 4 months at a time. The length of time you can expect to enjoy your optimal results may depend on your age, the severity of your appearance-related concerns, and how quickly your body metabolizes the neurotoxin in the treatment. It’s common for younger patients to have longer-lasting results, while older patients may require more frequent treatments to maintain results.

How Can You Tell Results Are Fading?

Just as the results of this treatment are gradual, so is how these results diminish over time. You will notice a gradual return of wrinkles and fine lines about 3 months after your treatment, followed by a subtle increase in skin laxity as the results of treatment begin to fade. Many patients opt to have repeat treatments at this time instead of allowing their appearance to return to pre-treatment status.

How Many Times Can I Repeat Treatment?

In clinical trials, it has been confirmed that it is safe for patients to use this treatment for 12 consecutive treatment without any risk or unintended side effects from treatment. Many patients repeat this treatment for as long as possible, or until they require a stronger neurotoxin treatment to counteract the effects of aging.

Can I Alternate With Other Neurotoxins?

Dysport is often referred to as the best alternative to Botox and for good reason. Both of these neurotoxins share many similarities, including the purified toxin used to create the injectable serum, although at different strengths; Botox is much stronger, while Dysport has a more diluted form that produced subtler, more natural-looking results.

But given these similarities, can you alternate this treatment with other neurotoxins? Yes. It’s perfectly safe and perfectly reasonable to alternate this treatment with other neurotoxins. Many patients use this treatment once, then use another neurotoxin, and then use this treatment again throughout the year. Why? We’re happy to explain.

Why Alternating Is the Best Plan

If it’s safe to use this treatment for 12 consecutive treatments, then why should you even think about alternating neurotoxin treatments? The fact of the matter is that consecutive treatments give your body the ability to build up a tolerance to the neurotoxin which, over time, can mean that the treatment is less effective. In other words, it’s wise to give your body occasional breaks from this treatment so that you can use neurotoxin injections for as long as possible.

If you think about it, 12 consecutive treatments with this neurotoxin will only amount to 3 or 4 years of maintained results, including results that may be less effective over time due to any tolerance you build up. However, if you block the opportunity for your body to build tolerance by breaking treatments up with the occasional alternate neurotoxin, then your treatments can last for several more years, and you can maintain optimal results for much longer.

Is There a Best Time for This Treatment?

Yes and no. Because this is an injectable treatment, there aren’t any seasonal restrictions that might prevent you from having this treatment. For example, energy-based or laser treatments are best-timed during the fall and winter months where the risk of sun exposure is reduced. However, for injectable treatments, it is safe to have these treatments during all times of the year.

On the other hand, if you are having this treatment to prepare for an important life event, then you will want to be sure to get the timing right. Because it takes about one month to see the full results of this treatment, and because you may require a touch-up treatment that will prolong who quickly you can enjoy optimal results, it is best if your schedule your treatment appointments at least 4 to 6 weeks ahead of your life event.

Is This Treatment Safe for All Patients?

Broadly speaking, most patients can safely have this treatment. This is because the neurotoxin in this treatment is purified, which significantly lowers the risk of any unintended side effect. If you have had previous neurotoxin treatment, such as Botox, it’s also very likely that this treatment is safe for you.

However, if you are new to injectable treatments, then we may ask you to complete an allergy test before your treatment appointment to verify this treatment is safe for you. Very, very few patients have any allergy to this treatment.

What Can You Expect From Treatment?

While this treatment is just the same as any other injectable treatment, there are still some things you should expect if it is your first appointment with our medspa or if it is your first time using injectable treatments. Our goal is to provide all patients with expert personalized care, which means ensuring that each step of your treatment includes:


Your consultation appointment will give us a chance to explain this treatment with you, outline reasonable expectations for treatment, and discuss all of your appearance-related goals, including the possibility of using other treatments in conjunction with this one.

During your consultation, we will examine your areas of concern, particularly fine lines and wrinkles that are eligible for treatment with this neurotoxin. We will also collect information about you, such as any drug allergies you have and any previous injectable treatments you have had at other clinics.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

Before your appointment, we will provide you with a list of pre-treatment instructions to help you prepare for your treatment. These pre-treatment instructions are standard for most injectable treatments and should be followed for at least 3 to 5 days before your appointment. Some pre-treatment instructions will include:

  • Discontinue certain OTC medications and supplements
  • Abstain from alcohol
  • Do not use Retinol products
  • No spicy food
  • Hydrate adequately

We ask that patients arrive at each appointment with a freshly cleansed face free of lotions and make-up, ideally with hair pulled away from the face. You will not need to arrange for transportation from this appointment, and this appointment should take no longer than 30 minutes.

Step One: Cleanse and Numb

We will use a gentle alcohol-based cleanser to sterilize your face and apply a topical numbing cream to the desired areas of treatment. The numbing cream will be given several minutes to go into effect before the next step of your treatment.

Step Two:

One of our skilled Registered Nurses will administer your treatment. Injectable treatments like this one involve the use of a small, thin needle that delivers units of the neurotoxin treatment to the sub-dermal tissues of the skin. You will not feel any pain during this portion of the treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

After your appointment, we will provide you with a list of post-treatment instructions to guide you through your recovery period. These are standard post-treatment instructions for injectable treatments and should be followed for 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Some of these post-treatment instructions may include:

  • Do not take certain OTC medications or supplements
  • No alcohol
  • Avoid Retinol products
  • Do not touch or rub the face
  • Sleep with your head elevated
  • Avoid direct sunlight, excess sweating, and strenuous activity
  • Hydrate adequately

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Recovery from this treatment should take no longer than 1 or 2 days, which is when you can return to all normal daily activities, including regular exercise and skincare habits, such as the use of Retinol products. Most patients go back to work the same day or the next day after treatment.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you want to halt aging in its tracks or you are not fully satisfied with your appearance, then you may be a good candidate for treatment. We determine eligibility during your consultation appointment. Candidates for this treatment include any adult woman or man who would like to:

  • Soften fine lines
  • Diminish wrinkles
  • Smooth wrinkles between the brows
  • Reduce crow’s feet
  • Correct wrinkles around nose and mouth
  • Improve mild skin laxity
  • Have a more youthful appearance

If you are interested in combining this treatment with another cosmetic treatment, please let us know at the time of your consultation so, we can help you create a personalized treatment plan. Other cosmetic treatments frequently combined with this one include dermal fillers, chemical peels, and Revision Skincare products.

Recapture Your Youth With Dysport Today!

You don’t have to fight against aging by yourself when you have access to one of the most diverse neurotoxins in the world. If you think the best way to recapture your youth with subtle, natural-looking results is with Dysport treatment, contact DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX to schedule your appointment today!

Andrea Algar

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