Brazilian Butt Lift 2

3204 Napier Park
Shavano Park, TX 78231

Best Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

in San Antonio, TX

contact us Today and

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(or more additional areas liposuction)

What’s a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Actually not a “lift” at all, the Brazilian butt lift is a combination of liposuction and fat transfer. Liposuction is done on donor areas with excess fat such as the abdomen, hips or thighs. Dr. Young artistically sculpts the donor area as he is performing the liposuction so that there is an aesthetically pleasing shape overall. The fat is then purified and strategically placed (injected) into the buttocks in order to create the shape you desire. Following Brazilian butt lift, the buttocks will look firmer and rounder, while the donor area will look slimmer.

Are You a Candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift?

You may be a candidate for Brazilian butt lift if you:

Dr. Young will meet with you personally in order to determine your candidacy. During your consultation, the surgeon will ask you to describe your aesthetic concerns and goals. He will also evaluate the body areas where surplus fat is located. If he determines that there is not enough fat to augment the buttocks, he may recommend other treatment options. If Dr. Young determines that you are a suitable candidate for butt lift, he will work with you to design a treatment plan that achieves the most desirable outcome.

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(or more additional areas liposuction)

Procedure Details

Brazilian butt lift is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. To begin, Dr. Young will create small incisions in the donor area to remove the surplus fat. The fat will be purified and prepared for reinjection. Then, Dr. Young will inject the fat into the buttocks, focusing on the upper quadrant for a “lifted” effect. The surgeon is meticulous when injecting the fat in order to create smooth contours and optimal fullness.

Once the procedure is complete, Dr. Young will place a surgical compression garment to help the tissues heal properly and quickly.

Recovering from Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Dr. Young will provide detailed instructions for you to follow during your recovery. Most patients need to take one to two weeks off from work and other normal activities and get as much bed rest as possible. Common side effects include soreness, bruising and swelling, which should subside over time.

The results from Brazilian butt lift can be long-lasting, so long as you maintain a stable weight and follow a healthy lifestyle (i.e., eating healthily, exercising regularly). Dr. Young can provide you with more tips on how to maintain your results during your consultation.

Learn More about the Best Brazilian Butt Lift

Are you ready to have the curvaceous and shapely buttocks you have always desired? Brazilian Butt Lifts in San Antonio have become a highly sought after procedure, and one that Dr. Young has achieved excellent results with. Visit Dr. Young’s before-and-after gallery to see the consistently beautiful results he has delivered with Brazilian Butt Lift.

To schedule a consultation with DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa, please call 210-750-2600 today.


3204 Napier Park
Shavano Park, TX 78231