Liposuction in Shavano Park & San Antonio, Texas

Despite our best efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, there are times when our bodies refuse to cooperate in achieving our ideal physical appearance. Areas of unwanted fat can be particularly frustrating as they often resist our attempts to tone and sculpt our bodies. Fortunately, liposuction can offer a solution to this issue. 

At Dr. Young Forever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, we understand that stubborn fat can be challenging to get rid of, even with a healthy diet and exercise routine. This is where liposuction comes in. This minimally invasive procedure can help sculpt and contour your body to your desired shape. 

As the center’s founder, Dr. Robert N. Young has over 30 years of private practice experience and is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. His commitment to excellence has earned him a remarkable reputation among his patients in South Central Texas. Dr. Young uses the latest advanced techniques to ensure the best possible outcome for every patient.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a medical surgery that removes excess fat from particular body areas. The procedure involves using a cannula inserted through a small incision to break up and remove unwanted fat cells. This process is carried out with a vacuum device connected to the cannula. It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution but rather a cosmetic procedure that is aimed at enhancing specific body areas.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Liposuction?

Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from various areas of the body. Some of the most common areas treated with liposuction include:

  • Abdomen
  • Ankles
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Calves
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Love handles
  • Neck
  • Thighs

Multiple areas may be addressed during one treatment. However, it is essential to have realistic goals and expectations for treatment as well as remember this is not intended to be used as a weight loss treatment. For optimal body contouring results, Dr. Young can combine treatments with the revolutionary InMode BodyTite system.

Benefits of Liposuction

The benefits of liposuction depend on the individual’s goals and expectations. Here are some potential benefits of liposuction:

Improved Body Contour

Liposuction can remove stubborn fat deposits from areas of the body, resulting in improved body contour and a more proportionate appearance.

Targeted Fat Removal

Liposuction can remove fat from specific body areas, like the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms, where fat is difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone.

Permanent Results

Liposuction results are permanent if the patient maintains a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Minimal Scarring

Liposuction involves small incisions that leave minimal scarring, making it a relatively safe and low-risk procedure.

Improved Health

Removing excess fat through liposuction may also improve overall health by reducing the risk of obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Before and After Photos


What Could I Expect From a Liposuction Procedure?

Liposuction procedures begin with either general or local anesthesia. An incision is made in the specific treatment area to allow for the loosening and removal of fat. Fat is removed in particular areas to promote a smoother appearance and enhance contours.

There may be some downtime associated with liposuction as your body heals and recovers. Our team in Texas can provide you with all the information you need to prepare for and recover from treatment adequately.

Results achieved with liposuction will vary for each person and treatment area. Enjoying your results may take some time as swelling decreases and your body settles. However, results are intended to be permanent, but it is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve your results.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Liposuction?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help remove unwanted fat from various body areas. One concern many people have is how long it will take to recover from the surgery. The answer varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s circumstances.

Generally, patients can expect to take a few days to a week off from work or other activities. Exercise should be avoided for several weeks following the procedure. It’s important to follow post-op instructions from your surgeon to promote a smooth recovery process. While everyone’s experience will be different, taking proper care of yourself can go a long way in ensuring a successful outcome after liposuction.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Liposuction is a safe and practical choice for most generally healthy adults frustrated with stubborn areas of body fat. It is important to remember this is not intended to be used as a weight loss procedure or a procedure for excess skin. However, this surgical procedure may help jumpstart a weight loss journey. 

A consultation with our team in San Antonio can help determine if liposuction is a good fit for you and your goals. They can also provide insight regarding types of anesthesia and alternatives to traditional treatment, such as LipoDissolve, mesotherapy, or SmartLipo. 

Transform Your Body With Liposuction In San Antonio, TX

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic treatment that helps remove excess fat from specific body areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, and hips. At Dr. Young Forever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, we understand that healthy living and regular exercise are not always enough to eliminate stubborn fat. We want to help individuals achieve their desired results with the safest and most effective liposuction techniques.

During a consultation with us, we will discuss your needs and goals and recommend the best treatment plan to help you achieve desired results. Don’t settle for anything less than your dream body. Contact us today to learn more about our liposuction services.