Morpheus8 Treatments

Morpheus8 is a popular skin tightening and skin resurfacing device that combines radiofrequency energy with microneedling techniques to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa in Shavano Park, TX, we design treatment plans with this skin-perfecting device that can address aesthetic and aging-related concerns on the face and body so that patients can naturally achieve tighter and healthier skin.

What Is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a radiofrequency microneedling device. It delivers a collagen induction treatment by creating micro-wounds in the skin’s surface while simultaneously delivering precise amounts of radiofrequency energy into the dermal layers to stimulate a healing response that results in naturally increased collagen and elastin production. The device relies on the body’s healing powers to deliver visible results and skin tightening and skin resurfacing benefits.

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

Patients looking for a natural and effective way to tighten the skin, rejuvenate their appearance, and do so without chemicals or invasive techniques, can benefit from a treatment plan with this unique device. Some of the treatment benefits include the following:

  • Treatments are minimally invasive
  • Results appear gradually weeks after the initial treatment
  • The device delivers some immediate results
  • Treatments are comfortable
  • There’s no significant social downtime
  • Treatments can address cosmetic and aging-related concerns on the face and body
  • Treatments can be combined with other professional skincare treatments
  • Microneedling increases skin absorption rate so that your products work better
  • Treatment plans are customizable


Morpheus8 Facial Treatments

We can use this device to target skin imperfections that affect the complexion and correct some of the most common skin issues. Microneedling with radiofrequency energy is an effective option for patients who want to reduce the appearance of acne scars, improve skin texture and tone, diminish age spots, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and other types of discoloration, increase natural collagen and elastin production, and improve the skin.

Enhancing Your Treatment With Add-On Options

One of the ways that we can enhance your Morpheus8 facial treatment results to promote a brighter and younger-looking complexion is by using natural topical solutions and applying them to the skin during and after treatment, enabling you to benefit from anti-aging, nutrient-rich ingredients and growth factors. We can determine which of our add-on options will help you achieve the best results.

Morpheus8 Body

Not only can this device promote a healthier and younger-looking complexion, but we can also use it to achieve patients’ skin tightening and skin rejuvenating goals in different areas of the body. Like the face, body areas begin to exhibit signs of aging, specifically skin laxity, due to the natural decrease of collagen and elastin over time. Morpheus8 body treatments promote an increase in the natural collagen and elastin production to tighten the skin in these areas.

They can also improve skin texture and tone, reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, smooth superficial scars, and reduce excess fat. We can custom-tailor treatments to improve the appearance of loose skin virtually anywhere on the body. Some of the most common treatment areas include the knees, neck, chest, arms, abdomen, and legs, and we can custom-tailor your treatment to address your specific areas of concern.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Treatments Painful?

At DrYoungForever Plastic Surgery Center & MedSpa, we take every step to ensure complete patient comfort during all of our treatments. Before performing our Morpheus8 treatments, we apply a topical numbing cream to the skin.

Once the skin is numb, we begin the treatment, and patients may only feel some slight pressure and a warming sensation from the radiofrequency heat energy. We monitor the treatment throughout to ensure an enjoyable treatment experience.

When Will I See the Results?

Patients may notice some immediate results following the treatment since the radiofrequency energy not only increases natural collagen production but also causes an instant contraction of existing collagen below the skin’s surface which contributes to tighter-looking skin.

However, the most noticeable improvement in skin tone, texture, health, and overall appearance will be noticeable within the first few weeks of the treatment. Collagen production does take time, but even if you don’t notice dramatic results at first, you can rest assured those results will be evident.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Whether you treat your face or body, you may need several skin resurfacing treatments to achieve your specific goals. Patients looking to address more advanced concerns like acne scars may require more treatments than those who simply want general skin rejuvenation. At your initial consultation, we will discuss your concerns and provide you with the recommended number of treatments.

One of the benefits of Morpheus8 is that you can schedule maintenance treatments as needed to promote optimal skin health or schedule additional treatments to address specific areas.

Schedule a Skin Tightening and Skin Resurfacing Treatment

If you want your products to work better, your skin to look healthier, and your complexion to look and feel younger, Morpheus8 is the solution. We can design a treatment plan to combat and reverse aging and correct your most stubborn skin imperfections distracting from your overall appearance and confidence.