PiQo4 Tattoo Removal

Tattoos can be a creative form of expression that may even have sentimental meaning. However, many times patients change their mind about the content, meaning, or appearance of their tattoo. If you are like many patients who have ended up regretting your permanent work of art, Dr. Robert N. Young offers a gold standard in laser tattoo removal technology with PiQo4 Tattoo Removal.

What is  PiQo4 Tattoo Removal?

PiQo4® is an innovative technological advancement that allows for the safe and effective removal of unwanted tattoos no mater the color or shade. This revolutionary technology allows for the removal of colorful tattoos even yellow and orange shades with enhanced comfort and unmatched results. The PiQo4® system can remove tattoos of all pigments and on all skin types. PiQo4 allows for quicker, more effective, and safe tattoo removal with less discomfort involved than with alternative tattoo removal systems and with much greater results.

How Does it Work?

The foundation of what forms the appearance of a tattoo is many pigments of color injected within the skin. Because these pigments are delivered deep within skin, they are permanent unless treated. Instead of delivering laser energy in one consistent beam like in traditional tattoo removal, the PiQo4® system delivers a combination of 4 unsurpassed advantages. This dynamic 4-device system includes:

  • Pico+Nano
  • Ultra-high energy 
  • Deep reach 
  • 4 wave-lengths

The high-energy bursts are delivered at an incredibly quick rate. The reason it is called PiQo4 system, is because these short bursts of intense energy can be measured in picoseconds, or one trillionth of a second. Once delivered, the 4- wavelength pulses are absorbed by the even the deepest pigments within skin. This specialized energy is effective at activating a photoacoustic effect on the tattoo, causing the pigments of the tattoo to shatter completely using both light and sound energy. It is also effective at enabling the pigmentation to be removed from the body more quickly. The precision and quickness of the energy pulses allow for the doctor to specifically target smaller areas without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.

Once the energy has successfully diminished a good portion of the pigmentation, the remaining pigments are removed from the body in macrophages overtime. For optimal results, multiple treatments may be suggested.

Who is a Candidate?

For both men and women who are interested in having their tattoo removed quickly and completely could benefit from treatments. PiQo4® is safe for all skin types and tones, however, to determine for sure if you are a proper candidate, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced professionals.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about the many benefits of PiQo4® treatments, reach out to the professionals here at DrYoungForever. Contact us today and schedule your consultation towards a clear complexion once again!