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Who Is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide. At DrYoungForever in Shavano Park, TX, we’re thrilled to offer this transformative surgery that can help you achieve a flatter, more sculpted abdomen. Whether you’re dealing with excess skin after weight loss or looking to restore your pre-pregnancy figure, abdominoplasty can be the answer you’ve been seeking.


Who Is a Good Candidate for the Tummy Tuck? 

Are you dreaming of a flatter and firmer tummy? If you’re struggling with excess abdominal skin, weakened muscles, or the aftermath of multiple pregnancies, you may be an excellent candidate for abdominoplasty. The treatment is suitable for individuals with loose or sagging skin in the abdominal area caused by factors such as significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. 
It is especially beneficial for post-pregnancy mothers who wish to regain their pre-pregnancy abdominal contours. Good overall health is essential for undergoing this surgery, as it ensures a smoother healing process. Non-smokers are preferred candidates due to the adverse effects smoking can have on recovery. Stable weight and realistic expectations are also crucial factors to consider.


Individuals with Excess Abdominal Skin

Abdominoplasty is an ideal solution for individuals who have excess abdominal skin that has lost its elasticity. This can occur due to factors such as significant weight loss, aging, or genetic predisposition. When the skin stretches beyond its capacity, it often fails to shrink back, resulting in loose, sagging tissue. This can be particularly frustrating for individuals who have put in the effort to lose weight but are left with unsatisfactory results. 
Abdominal surgery addresses this concern by removing the surplus skin and tightening the remaining tissues to create a smoother, more toned appearance. By precisely excising the skin and repositioning the belly button if necessary, the abdominal contour is dramatically improved. Abdominoplasty can give individuals the confidence to wear fitted clothing and feel comfortable in their bodies once again.

Post-Pregnancy Mothers

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s body, especially the abdominal area. Many women struggle with loose abdominal skin, separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), and stretch marks after giving birth. Abdominoplasty can be an excellent option for mothers who desire to restore their pre-pregnancy figures. 
Dr. Young will not only remove the excess skin but also repair the weakened or separated abdominal muscles. This process helps to restore core strength and provide a flatter and more sculpted abdomen. For mothers who have completed their family planning, abdominoplasty offers an opportunity to feel more comfortable in their bodies and embrace their figures with pride.

Individuals with Weakened Abdominal Muscles

Weakened abdominal muscles, often caused by factors like pregnancy, aging, or weight fluctuations, can lead to a protruding abdomen and a lack of core strength. Abdominoplasty is an effective solution for addressing this concern. During the procedure, Dr. Young will repair and tighten the weakened abdominal muscles. 
This process involves suturing the muscles together to restore their integrity. By strengthening the core, individuals experience improved posture, enhanced support for the spine, and a more defined waistline. It is important to note that exercise alone cannot repair severely weakened abdominal muscles, making abdominoplasty an effective approach for achieving both aesthetic and functional improvements.

Healthy Individuals

Being in good overall health is a crucial factor for undergoing abdominoplasty. A thorough medical evaluation ensures that you are physically fit to undergo surgery and have a smooth recovery. Good health minimizes the risk of complications and contributes to better outcomes. 
It is especially important to have well-controlled medical conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. These issues can affect wound healing and increase the risk of surgical complications. By ensuring your overall health is optimized, your body will be better equipped to handle the surgery and heal efficiently.


Smoking has a significant impact on the healing process and can lead to complications following abdominoplasty. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes constrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow and oxygen supply to the tissues. This impairs the body’s ability to heal, increases the risk of infections, and can lead to poor wound healing. 
Additionally, smoking increases the chances of developing blood clots, which can be life-threatening. To achieve the best possible results, it is essential to quit smoking at least several weeks before and after surgery. 

Individuals with a Stable Weight

Maintaining a stable weight is important before undergoing abdominoplasty. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the long-term results of the surgery. If you undergo the procedure while still actively losing weight, you may experience additional skin laxity and a compromised final outcome.

Conversely, gaining a significant amount of weight after surgery can stretch the repaired muscles and skin, undoing the benefits achieved. Therefore, it is important to have reached a stable weight that you can maintain before considering abdominoplasty. 


Patients with Realistic Expectations

Having realistic expectations is crucial when considering the tummy tuck. While the procedure can deliver remarkable results, it is important to understand its limitations and set realistic goals. Abdominoplasty can significantly improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscles. However, it is not a substitute for weight loss or a guarantee of a perfect bikini body. 
It is essential to have a clear understanding of the expected outcomes and recovery process. Consulting with Dr. Young can help you gain insight into what can be realistically achieved based on your unique anatomy and goals. By setting realistic expectations, you can approach the surgery with a positive mindset and be satisfied with the significant improvements that abdominoplasty can offer.

Those with No Future Pregnancy Plans

Abdominoplasty is an ideal procedure for individuals who do not have plans for future pregnancies. Pregnancy can impact the results of abdominoplasty by stretching the abdominal muscles and skin once again. If you undergo the operation before completing your family planning and subsequently become pregnant, it may compromise the surgical results. 
We recommend that you delay your surgery until you have finished having children to ensure that you can fully enjoy the long-term benefits. That way, you can optimize the outcome and maintain a more sculpted and toned abdomen over time.

Does Abdominoplasty Help with Urinary Incontinence?

Living with urinary incontinence,  a condition characterized by the involuntary loss of bladder control, can be challenging, affecting one’s self-confidence and daily activities. It can lead to social embarrassment, restrict participation in physical activities, and impact emotional well-being. 
While the primary goal of abdominoplasty is to address aesthetic concerns, studies have shown that it can have a positive impact on urinary incontinence. The procedure involves tightening the abdominal muscles, which can provide additional support to the pelvic floor and bladder. By strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving the overall stability of the pelvic region, abdominoplasty can help reduce stress urinary incontinence. 

What Is the Process Like?

The surgery typically involves several stages. An incision is made along the lower abdomen, allowing access to the underlying muscles and tissues. The surplus skin and fat are carefully removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to create a flatter and more toned appearance. In some cases, liposuction may be performed to further refine the contours of the abdomen. The incisions are then closed, and a compression garment is applied.
Recovery from abdominoplasty requires proper post-operative care. Patients are advised to rest and limit physical activities during the initial healing period. It is important to follow Dr. Young’s instructions regarding wound care, wearing compression garments, and attending follow-up appointments. The recovery process can vary for each individual, but most patients can gradually resume their normal activities within a few weeks.

Can I Expect Permanent Results?

While abdominoplasty can provide long-lasting results, maintaining them requires commitment and a healthy lifestyle. Significant weight fluctuations or pregnancy after the procedure can impact the outcome and potentially lead to a loss of the initial results. It is important to maintain a stable weight through proper diet and regular exercise. Adopting a healthy lifestyle not only helps to preserve the surgical results but also promotes overall well-being.
Regular follow-up visits to the clinic are also important to monitor the progress and address any concerns. Occasionally, touch-up procedures may be recommended to further refine the results or address changes that occur over time. Maintain a partnership with Dr. Young and follow his guidance, so you can maximize the longevity of your abdominoplasty results and enjoy the benefits for many years to come.

Achieve a Slim Waist 

The tummy tuck is an effective surgical procedure that can benefit individuals with excess abdominal skin and weakened abdominal muscles and those seeking a solution for post-pregnancy changes. It can provide not only aesthetic improvements but also potential relief from urinary incontinence. Send us a message at DrYoungForever in Shavano Park, TX, and book an appointment with our experienced team. 
Alex Colvin

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