You likely know that it is important for you to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis. In order to do this, you may purchase over-the-counter skin care treatments that are designed to exfoliate the skin. For example, there are a lot of different scrubs on the market that can lightly exfoliate the skin. While it is beneficial to use some of these products, it is good to include professional exfoliation treatments in your regular skin care routine if you want to have radiant, youthful-looking, and attractive skin. We would like to tell you about the benefits that come from dermaplaning.
What is Dermaplaning?
This is an exfoliation treatment that does not use harsh chemicals. For this reason, it is a great alternative for individuals who do not qualify for a chemical peel or who do not want to use chemicals on their skin. One group of individuals who it would be especially beneficial for are pregnant women. Pregnant women usually are not able to take advantage of skin care treatments that contain chemicals. This is a perfect way to maintain healthy skin throughout a pregnancy.
The exfoliation happens using a special tool. The skin care professional uses the tool to gently remove the top layers of the facial skin. At first, this may sound like something that is a little bit dangerous. We want to reassure you that it is completely safe. The skin care professional who works with you is going to be extremely gentle. Only areas that need exfoliation will be treated.
The Benefits of Dermaplaning
One of the things that we hear all of the time after our clients use this treatment is that they cannot believe how incredibly soft their skin feels. Some clients say that they cannot stop touching their skin. This is because all of the dead layers of skin are gently removed during the treatment.
In addition to removing dead skin cells, this treatment also removes peach fuzz. This is another reason why your skin is left so smooth and soft after the treatment. It is beneficial to remove the peach fuzz because peach fuzz can often trap dirt and oil, especially if you wear makeup regularly. This leads to acne and blemishes.
You are going to notice a difference in how easy it is to apply your makeup after a dermaplaning session. Your skin is going to be like a fresh canvas where makeup can be applied.
Having dermaplaning treatments performed on a regular basis can help individuals who are dealing with sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, and a wide variety of other skin issues. When the outer layers of skin are removed, it encourages the growth of healthy and new skin cells underneath.
If you are interested in learning more about dermaplaning and how it can benefit your skin, we invite you to book an appointment at DrYoungForever in San Antonio to learn more. We would be happy to tell you more about the treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!