At DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX, we understand how important tight skin is to your self-confidence. For this reason, we are proud to offer a number of anti-aging procedures, like a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). We also understand that surgery isn’t right for everyone. To help you determine whether this procedure is right for you, keep reading to learn more about it, including how it works and how long the recovery usually takes.
How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?
A Brazilian butt lift works in just a couple of safe, simple steps. First, subcutaneous fat is removed from one or more regions of your body through liposuction. Then, the fat cells are prepared for injection into the buttocks. Fat cells that were damaged during the extraction process are discarded. The whole fat cells that remain are cleaned and injected into several strategic locations in the buttocks.
This provides a number of benefits. Some of the most obvious benefits following this procedure are tighter, smoother buttocks skin and a much more improved shape. However, these are not the only benefits provided by this procedure. Many people report that they feel they are more symmetrical after getting a BBL because the donor areas get smaller.
Where Can Fat Be Harvested From?
Fat can be harvested from virtually any region of the body with a moderate amount of excess subcutaneous fat. We specify subcutaneous fat because liposuction cannot be used to remove visceral fat from the body. However, you need to attend an initial consultation to confirm which areas qualify as possible donor regions. If there is too much excess fat in an area of concern, liposuction may not be able to remove enough excess fat for desirable results.
Similarly, liposuction is not always ideal in areas of concern with very little excess subcutaneous fat. As a general rule, we look for areas of concern with at least an inch of pinchable fat. However, in certain circumstances, we can remove subcutaneous fat in areas with less than an inch of pinchable fat. For example, we may be able to harvest enough excess fat from your submental region and underarms and knees to augment your buttocks.
What Can I Expect During the Recovery Process?
It can take around 11 months for your skin to finish healing from surgery. However, you shouldn’t expect the majority of your recovery to take long to complete. As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to need one or two weeks off from work to dedicate to your recovery. You can also generally expect to be able to resume all of your usual routines just six to eight weeks after surgery.
We will advise you on how long you should expect to take off from work for your recovery during your initial consultation. Factors affecting how long the first stage of your recovery will take include the scope of your procedure, your overall health, and how well you follow recovery guidelines.
What Recovery Guidelines Will I Need To Follow?
One of the most important recovery guidelines you will need to follow after surgery is to avoid the consumption of alcohol or tobacco products. These products can affect your blood pressure, slowing your recovery process. Another very important recovery guideline you will need to follow is to stay hydrated and well-nourished during the first couple of months of your recovery process.
It is okay if your urine is clear, pale, or bright. If it is dark, you need to increase your intake of hydrating fluids through beverages or foods. For example, if your urine is dark, you are dehydrated and need to drink a glass of water or tea or grab a snack that is high in water, like berries or citrus fruits. You don’t need to both eat and drink things that are high in hydrating fluids. Nutrients you need to make sure you get in your post-op diet include:
- Protein
- Vitamin C
- Zinc
What Should I Avoid During My Recovery Period?
There are a number of things you should avoid during your recovery period, especially in the early stages. One of the most important things you will need to avoid during your recovery is applying too much pressure to your buttocks. If you need to sit after your procedure, it is highly advisable that you sit on a BBL pillow specifically designed to keep pressure off of your buttocks. You may want to buy this pillow before your procedure and bring it with you to use in the car on the way home.
It is also very important that you avoid consuming any substances that can elevate your blood pressure, like alcohol, nicotine, or excessive amounts of caffeine or sodium. Similarly, it is important that you avoid any activities that can increase your blood pressure significantly, like taking a steaming hot bath or playing a team sport. Moreover, you should avoid dry saunas, hot tubs, and other environments that cause sweating.
Can I Exercise After My Procedure?
Yes, you can exercise after your procedure. However, there are some special considerations you will need to keep in mind if you feel the urge to exercise. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you won’t be able to get any vigorous aerobic exercise for the first six to eight weeks post-op. The second thing you need to keep in mind is that you won’t be able to lift anything weighing 10 pounds or more.
Finally, you need to make sure that you are eating back your exercise calories. It will take a number of weeks for the transplanted fat cells to take permanent hold in your buttocks. Until then, you should be eating at maintenance. During the first six to eight weeks following your surgery, make sure your exercise is not so vigorous that you can’t sing a song. If your breathing becomes labored, take a break.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
An initial consultation is necessary to determine whether a BBL is right for you. There is a pretty good chance you’ll qualify for this procedure if you are concerned about the size and shape of your buttocks. However, it is important that you also have a moderate amount of excess subcutaneous fat. The reason this is so important is that this type of butt augmentation derives its results from transplanting natural fat rather than implanting silicone or saline.
Who Is a Poor Candidate for This Procedure?
You will be considered a poor Brazilian butt lift candidate if you are underweight or suffer from obesity. If your body mass index does not fall between 18.5 and 29.9, there is a strong possibility that you will have too little or too much subcutaneous fat for ideal results. Also, people who suffer from other chronic conditions besides obesity may not qualify for this procedure.
For example, you will be considered a poor fit for this procedure if you suffer from uncontrolled diabetes. As another example, you will be deemed a poor fit for this anti-aging procedure if you have been diagnosed with cancer and it is not currently in remission. Acute medical conditions may also preclude you from qualifying for this procedure.
Will I Qualify for This Procedure If I Plan To Become Pregnant in the Future?
There is nothing inherently wrong with getting a Brazilian butt lift if you plan to become pregnant in the future. However, you should be aware that you may need a follow-up procedure after your pregnancy to restore your ideal results. Pregnancy can result in a lot of changes in the body, and each pregnancy is unique. Some women maintain or reduce their body fat percentage during pregnancy.
However, the vast majority of women increase their body fat percentage during pregnancy. If you gain excess fat and store it in your donor areas, you may find that you are no longer satisfied with your contours. You may need further liposuction to restore your slim contours.
Get the Butt You Want
The bottom line is that a BBL works by moving fat from one or more regions of your body to your buttocks. The end result is tighter, smoother buttocks and a much-improved shape. As an added bonus, other contours are tightened up, further improving your appearance. If you think this procedure is right for you, contact us today at DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX to schedule your initial consultation.