Are you dissatisfied with the size, volume, and appearance of your natural breasts? Are you ready to get the body you’ve always wanted? Breast implants are an effective long-term addition to your figure and can help address small breast size as well as a loss in volume after breast surgery. Both breast augmentation and reconstruction can be accomplished with implants, which give your breasts the size, volume, and shape you desire. This procedure is proudly offered by DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX.
What Are Breast Implants?
Breast implants are designed to augment or enhance your natural breasts. Most patients pursue implants to build volume, correct unevenness between the breasts, or reconstruct breasts after breast surgeries such as a mastectomy. Implants can come in any size and are extremely customizable, meaning that there is a perfect option for every woman. Implants are typically created with silicone and filled with silicone gel or saline solution, both of which help create a texture almost indiscernible from natural breast tissue.
Implants are inserted into your natural breasts through a variety of surgical techniques. After a period of recovery, final results will typically last 6-10 years, leaving you free to enjoy life without worrying about the appearance of your breasts. During an initial consultation, your doctor will explain the options available to you in terms of implant type, placement, and surgical techniques so you can pursue this procedure with confidence.
Types of Implants
Before you decide on the right implant for you, it’s helpful to know a little more about what each implant looks and feels like. This can affect your decision depending on your ideal results and expectations after surgery. There are two main types of implants: saline and silicone. Both offer excellent augmentation results. When combined with the right implant insertion technique, your implants can greatly enhance the size and appearance of your natural breasts.
Silicone Implants
Silicone breast implants are popular thanks to their natural texture and feel and the wide variety of shapes, profiles, volumes, textures, and thicknesses available. In addition, there are different shell lumens available, giving you a highly customizable implant. The silicone rubber shell you and your doctor select will be filled with silicone gel and sealed with a patch at the port of the implant.
The resulting implant has a texture very close to that of natural breast tissue, and many surgeons recommend silicone implants to patients who are concerned about whether their breasts will feel lumpy or hard after surgery.
If the implant ruptures after surgery, the overall appearance and feeling of the breast is not usually affected since the silicone gel fills the surrounding area of the breast. However, repairing a ruptured silicone implant is more challenging than repairing a saline implant. The implants are also more prone to capsular contracture, or the formation of scar tissue around the implant, which can create pressure and a harder texture or displace the implant.
Saline Implants
Saline breast implants are created with a silicone rubber shell and sterile saline, which is inserted into the implant shell to reach the desired size. The implant is closed by a valve sealed by your doctor. There are two options for implant volume: a fixed volume implant is filled with the entire amount of saline when it is implanted, and an adjustable volume implant is filled during surgery with the possibility of saline addition after your breasts have healed and your final results are visible.
Saline implants also have the potential to rupture, but results are almost immediately visible, unlike silicone implants. This means that breast tissue will appear deflated more quickly and, for most patients, immediate repair is desirable for aesthetic purposes. However, the adjustable nature of silicone implants makes them a favorite choice for patients who combine them with breast reconstruction surgery, as breast volume can be increased following the procedure, depending on the patient’s preferences.
Implant Placement
There are two options available for implant placement: above the chest muscles or below the chest muscles. One pro of placing implants above the muscle is that there is typically less movement of the implants during physical activity such as running or dancing. In addition, there is less discomfort associated with implants placed above the muscle during recovery.
However, this placement can result in a slightly more artificial appearance in patients with a naturally smaller breast size. The risk of developing capsular contracture is also slightly higher with this placement.
Patients who opt for placement below the muscle normally have more discomfort during the first 3-5 days of recovery as both the muscle and the breast tissue heal.
However, since more of your natural tissue is covering the implant, results often appear more natural–especially for those with smaller breasts–and movement of implants, while more likely, is minimal in most patients. Finally, studies have proven that mammograms are slightly more precise when performed on breasts with implants below the muscle. If you have a family history of breast cancer, your doctor may recommend this placement.
Implantation Techniques
While the implant you choose greatly affects the way your breasts will look and feel after surgery, the implantation technique your doctor uses is another factor to consider. There are four main implantation techniques that vary in terms of placement and can affect your recovery time and lifestyle after surgery as well as the appearance of your final results.
Intramammary Technique
This technique is the most common. It involves an incision in the fold of your breast where the breast tissue meets the chest wall and a fairly easy insertion of the implant. This placement means that your scar will not be visible and that the procedure and implant will not affect milk production as much as other techniques due to the avoidance of the glandular tissue. Your doctor may recommend this technique if you’re planning to grow your family and want to ensure that your ability to breastfeed is not impacted.
Transaxillary Technique
This technique places the incision site near the armpit and extends it down to the torso. Even with your arms raised, the incision scar is nearly invisible. Implants are typically placed beneath the muscle, and any impact on milk production is minimal since this technique also avoids glandular tissue. The implant placement beneath the muscle is advantageous for many patients, especially those who have naturally smaller breasts, but your recovery process will likely be more extensive as your muscles need to heal along with your breast tissue.
Transumbilical Technique
This technique inserts implants by creating an incision at the navel and moving implants up into the breasts. Implants can only be placed over the muscle, and surgery is more challenging as moving the implants into place requires a camera scope and can be more prone to create damage to the breast tissue in the process. Glandular tissue and function is largely preserved, but the placement of implants above the muscle can sometimes appear more artificial in patients with naturally smaller breasts.
Periareolar Technique
This final technique involves an incision made around the areola of each breast. This technique is an excellent way to hide scarring, but this placement may result in damage to the ducts, glands, and nerves in the area and affect milk production. Implanting above the muscle could place pressure on the glandular tissue, which has a tendency to affect milk production even more drastically. This technique should be considered thoroughly and discussed with your doctor.
Procedure Process
When pursuing a surgical procedure like breast augmentation, it’s important to seek the opinion and care of a trained, experienced doctor. Your doctor will oversee the entire process from your initial consultation through your recovery period and ensure that you achieve the best results possible. You should feel free to ask your doctor any questions you may have during this process. You should also carefully follow any instructions your doctor gives to make sure you remain healthy and that your body heals well.
Before you can schedule a breast augmentation procedure, you’ll sit down with your doctor for an initial consultation. This gives your doctor a chance to examine your breasts and determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for this surgery. In addition, they’ll be able to recommend the best implant type, placement, and incision technique for your unique situation. You’re able to share your expectations during this appointment, which helps your doctor give the best recommendations based on your ideal results and preferences.
During this appointment, you should be prepared to share your medical history, including any previous breast augmentations or surgeries performed, as well as your regular medications. Your doctor may also ask about your diet and lifestyle, as a healthy, nutritious diet and avoidance of habits such as smoking are crucial for a smooth healing process. Once your doctor has approved you for surgery, you can begin preparing.
Your doctor will give you a list of instructions to follow before your surgery. Instructions often prohibit you from taking blood-thinning medications, including herbal supplements, for several weeks before surgery to prevent excessive bleeding and bruising. Your alcohol consumption will also be limited leading up to surgery, and your doctor will ask you to stop smoking several weeks before surgery since nicotine can negatively impact the recovery period. You may also be asked to observe a healthy diet to give your body the nutrients it needs for the healing process.
Before surgery, it’s a good idea to organize your life since you’ll have 1-2 weeks of downtime directly after surgery. This includes paying bills, filling prescriptions, arranging childcare or pet care for the week after surgery, and asking a friend or family member to be your designated companion who will drive you home from surgery and stay with you for the first 24 hours. Finally, you should prepare your home for the first few days after surgery. Have comfortable clothes, easily digestible and easily prepared foods, medications, and entertainment options available.
You should stop eating and drinking when your doctor instructs the day or night before your surgery since you’ll be under general anesthesia for the procedure. On the day of your surgery, you’ll probably want to shower since you won’t be able to do so again for a couple of days. Clean your breasts and skip the bra, making sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. A shirt which buttons down the front is a good option to help you avoid raising your arms above your head.
Your doctor will be available to answer any last-minute questions. They will draw guiding lines to mark the planned incisions and show you the implants before they’re inserted.
Once you have been given general anesthesia, your doctor will make the pre-determined incisions and insert your implants, along with drains if necessary, then close the incisions and bandage your breasts. You will be monitored for a period of time following your surgery, after which point you’ll be able to return home with your designated companion to begin recovering.
Directly after surgery, your breasts will look larger due to swelling, which will reduce over the next few weeks. For the first 3-5 days, you’ll probably feel discomfort in your breasts and chest area. This is normal and is managed by pain medication prescribed by your doctor. You should have your friend or family member help you with any tasks which involve raising your arms, bending over, or lifting anything for the first 1-2 days especially. Plan to sleep sitting up for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling and discomfort.
Your doctor will check the progress of your healing, typically 24-48 hours after surgery. If your doctor inserted drains, you should avoid showering until after your doctor removes them, which typically occurs 3-4 days after surgery. Most patients return to work within 2 weeks. Continue to avoid picking anything up, bending over, or raising your arms for 2-3 weeks, and avoid strenuous exercise for at least 3 weeks. Your body will heal completely 8-12 weeks after surgery, and your incision site scars will continue to fade over the next year.
Your breasts will look larger and sit higher on your chest following your surgery, but within the first 4-6 weeks the swelling will reduce, your breasts will lower slightly, and your results will begin to become visible. Most patients see their final results about 3 months after surgery. Your breasts should appear fuller with a natural shape and texture.
You’ll feel more confident in and out of clothing and will experience greater satisfaction with your overall appearance. Results typically last between 6-10 years, after which point you can discuss replacing or changing your implants with your doctor.
Am I an Ideal Candidate?
Breast augmentation with breast implants is an excellent option for most patients who wish to add volume to their breasts. Most patients who pursue this procedure are between 25-35 years old, but women of all ages have experienced success with this procedure at any age. Thanks to the techniques available, this surgery is considered safe and effective for women who are planning to become pregnant and breastfeed in the future. These patients should discuss their options with their doctor to select the best fit for their lifestyle and expectations.
Women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future are typically asked to postpone surgery or wait at least 6 months after surgery before trying to become pregnant. Women who experience sagging breasts may wish to combine this procedure with a breast lift as implants cannot correct extensive sagging. You should consult your doctor to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for breast implants.
If you’re ready to learn more about how breast implants can transform your appearance and give you a boost in self-confidence for years to come, contact the professionals at DrYoungForever in San Antonio, TX to schedule an initial consultation today! We look forward to serving you.