A nose job is a surgical procedure that can transform the nose that you’re not happy with into a nose you absolutely love. At Dr. Young forever in Shavano Park, TX, we are proud to offer this procedure to patients who want to transform their nose to make it more aesthetically pleasing and proportional to the rest of their face. You can expect beautiful results once you undergo this procedure, especially when you follow the aftercare and recovery directives.
What Should You Avoid After a Nose Job?
Once your nose job is over, you will immediately begin the recovery process. It is important that you follow the aftercare directives carefully to achieve the best possible results. With those aftercare directives will come a specific list of things, environment, and activities that you must avoid to protect your nose, allow it to heal, and in the end, achieve the best possible results.
Avoid Contact Sports
If you regularly engage in any type of contact sport, you must avoid this activity for up to six months after your procedure. If a ball or person collides with your newly re-shaped nose, it can negatively impact your results. To avoid an incident or injury, it’s important that you avoid all contact sports as directed by your surgeon. Once you get the go-ahead, you’ll be free to enjoy these sports once again.
Avoid Strenuous Activity
You’ll need to spend the first few weeks after your procedure avoiding strenuous activity and intense workouts. Strenuous activities include high-impact walking and any other type of activity that your surgeon directs you to avoid.
You won’t have to avoid your workouts forever, and you’ll be able to get back to your workouts soon enough, but it’s important that you avoid strenuous activities and anything that causes you to bend, pull, or strain which could negatively impact the results of your procedure.
Incorporating Walking Into Your Routine
Our surgeon will give you a complete list of activities to avoid and let you know how long you should avoid them so that you can ensure the best possible results. You will be advised to make walking a part of your daily routine to avoid blood clotting and help promote a quick and healthy recovery. You’ll receive directives about what type of walking is acceptable and for how long you should walk each day during your recovery.
Avoid Getting Your Nose Wet
After your procedure, it will be important to keep your nose dry. For that reason, you will need to abstain from showering and getting the area wet. You will need to wash your body and face in a way that does not soak your nose. Our surgeon and our surgical team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to do bathe without getting your treatment area wet so that you can achieve the best possible results.
Avoid Sun Exposure
Avoiding the sun is important after every treatment or procedure that affects your skin, and rhinoplasty is no different. It’s important that you avoid excessive sun exposure after your procedure to avoid any kind of discoloration or hyperpigmentation to your healing skin.
You’ll be advised as to when to begin applying sunscreen but in the meantime, wear a hat or visor when exposed to the sun. You should make every attempt to try to stay out of the sun altogether when possible.
Avoid Nose-Blowing
It is critical that you don’t blow your nose after your procedure, as nose-blowing, in general, will negatively impact your results. In order to avoid a cold that causes you to constantly blow your nose, you should take the necessary measures to strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C supplements, a probiotic, and a healthy diet will all help strengthen your immune system and help you fight off any type of cold or virus that could lead to congestion or runny nose.
Avoid Clothes That Pull Over the Head
After your procedure, you’ll need to consider the clothes you wear because anything that must be pulled over your head can negatively impact your results. It’s important that you wear clothes that button in the front that doesn’t require you to pull the clothing over your to get dressed.
Avoid Eye Glasses and Sunglasses
As your nose heals, it’s important that you avoid any type of eyeglasses or sunglasses during those first days of healing. We can provide you with more information as to when to put your glasses back on but depending on the type of surgery and the details of that surgery, you may need to avoid glasses and sunglasses that will put pressure on your treated area.
Following the Aftercare Directions
Reading through a list of things you must avoid after your procedure may seem overwhelming, but know that these measures are designed to help you achieve the best possible results. Before you know it, your nose will be fully healed, and you’ll be enjoying your nose transformation. Once your procedure is over, you’ll be provided with detailed instructions as to what you should avoid.
If at any point you have questions, you can contact our office, and our experienced team members will be happy to help you. We will walk you through every step of this process, from your initial consultation to your post-procedure follow-up treatments and everything in between. You will be given detailed instructions about your recovery, how to promote quick healing, and what exactly you should avoid so that you can achieve beautiful results.
Rhinoplasty Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is the technical term for nose surgery, also known as a nose job. A nose job is a procedure that can help transform the nose to correct flaws and other imperfections that may have been there all of your life or have resulted from an injury. There are different ways to perform this procedure to help reach your aesthetic goals.
Your procedure can be completely customized to your needs and your specific concerns. It can improve the size, shape, and proportions of the nose to make it more symmetrical to the face or more aesthetically pleasing. Whether you have a serious concern with the appearance of your nose or a minor one, this surgery will help transform your nose to increase your confidence and help you love your appearance.
How Much Downtime Should I Expect?
Different patients have different surgical treatment plans. Some procedures are more extensive than others, so the nature of your procedure will determine how many days you will need to take off of work. We can provide you with more information about your recovery during your consultation when we design your treatment plan.
Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few weeks of their procedure. Focusing on resting, following the aftercare directives, eating a healthy diet, and living a healthy lifestyle all contribute to the healthiest recovery possible.
What Can It Treat?
Aside from treating aesthetic imperfections and functional concerns, a nose job can treat some specific areas of the nose to improve the overall appearance. It can address the bridge of the nose, eliminate a bump or hump on the nose, and improve the appearance of the nostrils. It can also address and restructure a nose that causes sinus issues, breathing concerns, or has damage that’s been caused by an injury.
During your initial consultation, we can evaluate your nose and address each and every concern to create a comprehensive surgical treatment plan that helps improve the appearance of your nose and helps you reach your aesthetic goals.
Am I a Candidate for This Procedure?
A nose job can correct both aesthetic imperfections with the nose and functional concerns, or both. A consultation with one of our experienced surgical team members is the best way to determine whether this procedure is the right option for you. An in-person consultation will allow us to evaluate your nose and concerns in person, review your health history, and learn more about your aesthetic goals.
Then, we can move forward with the process and schedule your procedure, provide you with more information about what the procedure entails as well as aftercare directions so that you can achieve beautiful results and enjoy your new nose as soon as possible.
Love Your Nose
You don’t have to live with a nose that you don’t love any longer. You can achieve the nose of your dreams thanks to this effective surgical procedure. Contact us today at Dr. Young Forever in Shavano Park, TX, to schedule your consultation with our surgeon to discuss your options and determine whether a nose job is the right procedure for you.